I Want To Know More

Why Lead Generation is the Best Recession Proof Business Model

How Long Will It Take To

Get Your First Client?

What If I Don't

Have Any Time?

What If I Don't Have Any Sales Experience?

What If I Have No Technical Experience?

Is This Business Model

Saturated Already?

I Was Able to Be a Stay at Home Mom of 3 and Replace My Full Time Income in 5 Months 

I never envisioned myself being a stay at home mom. I also never envisioned myself having twins either haha .. but life throws certain things at you and we have to learn to adapt.

Being limited on time I wanted to find something that could allow me to make money but still be present with my family, and maintain a household of three children. The Lead Generation business model truly allows you to build income passively.

 I was able to build, rank, and rent my online lead generation properties over and over again. All while still getting diapers changed and dinner on the table by 5 o'clock.

Also, unlike motherhood, having more clients ( or children ) does not equal more work.

This skillset has allowed me to try out many other forms of digital marketing and work from home income streams, such as Shopify, Amazon FBA , Facebook Marketing, and a few MLM's.

Below, you'll see where these forms of digital marketing fell short and why, ultimately, even after having found success, I decided to double down on my Lead Gen efforts.

The Power Of Lasting Friendships

I have known Dan well before the program was actually created. We both lived in Oregon, and I had met him through mutual friends.

I watched from the sidelines as Dan built up his personal lead generation business and finally gave him a call in 2016 when I found out I was having twins ( I already had a 2 year old at home ) knowing that I was not going to be able to continue my teaching career with 3 children under 3 at home.

Even being a close friend, I was still skeptical of the whole process until I actual put forth the effort and saw the results for myself. Here I am now 7 years later living a life I could have only dreamed of. 

Throughout the years Dan has taught me much more than a business model, he has mentored me to help create a lifestyle that I can create lasting memories with my family + friends.. with the most Valuable Currency Time!

Mother First 

I would not say I was like most students that came into this program and hit the ground running right off the bat.

My first priority was being a mother to my three children, but I was always always interested into making money. Hustler at heart.

I was able to still be present with my children and bring in a full time income with in just a few months of doing the lead gen business model.. very part time if that.

I tried different MLM's and other various businesses and none have compared to the passiveness and multi facet skill set that this model has taught me.

Mentoring has always been my passion

In 2020 I was a speaker at our biggest annual Live Vegas event

I had no experience, I had a teaching degree in Elementary Education and knew how to post a picture to Facebook. But I knew I needed to do something career wise that would leave me feeling fulfilled, I wanted to make a difference in people's lives. 

This business model has allowed me to help local businesses around the world grow to be able to have the same life goals as most self employed people do. Win Win for both of us!


My first lead generation site was a Pest Control site in Hillsboro, Oregon. I completed that site in 2016 and it has been paying me $500 a month since then.. without even touching the site.

$500 a month for 6 years? That's about $36,000 of passive income - built in my pajamas all while taking care of 3 small babies

What an amazing feeling it is to wake up everyday full of gratitude and reminded about what an amazing opportunity at life this Lead Gen Business as allowed for me.

This business has allowed me to travel the world, pay off debt , purchase a home - as a single mother of 3, work from home during a world pandemic , and basically..


Not only has this Lead Gen Model allowed me many freedoms in the material world, it has allowed me to gain confidence as a woman and know that I can tackle any of life's problems that are thrown my way. Also has taught me the entrepreneurial skills required to run a successful business.

How Does

$3,600 a Hour

Sound to You?

" Don't Count The Days. Make The Days Count "

Make Sure to Follow Me on my Social Media accounts.. You know you don't want to miss out on the daily fun

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